Endurance and Triumph: The Athletic Marathon – A Testament to Human Potential
The marathon, an iconic athletic event that combines physical endurance, mental fortitude, and the pursuit of personal triumph, has captivated athletes and spectators for over a century. This article celebrates the spirit of the athletic marathon, delving into its rich history, its significance in the sporting world, and the stories of remarkable individuals who have […]

Formula One Racing: Where Speed, Precision, and Technology Collide
Formula One (F1) racing, the pinnacle of motorsport, captivates audiences around the globe with its high-speed thrills, cutting-edge technology, and intense competition. This article delves into the world of Formula One, exploring its rich history, the technological marvels behind the racing cars, and the incredible skill and bravery of the drivers who push the limits […]

Beyond the Hoops: Basketball’s Enduring Magic and Global Impact
Basketball, a game of agility, teamwork, and breathtaking athleticism, has transcended borders to become one of the most beloved and widely played sports around the world. This article celebrates the enduring magic of basketball, exploring its origins, the evolution of the game, and its global impact on both players and fans. Origins and Evolution Trace […]

Economic History: A Journey through the Pathways of Growth
Economic history serves as a compass guiding nations, policymakers, and individuals through the intricate pathways of growth and development. This article delves into the rich tapestry of economic history, tracing its evolution, significant milestones, and the lessons it imparts for shaping prosperous economies in the present and future. The Birth of Economics Explore the origins […]

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昨天美国迎来了第一波新季度的国债拍卖,三年期美债以低于预期的收益率顺利拍卖,几乎全部被投资者扫空。而星期二的美国和欧洲股市都以下跌收市,似乎“大庄们”都已经站在场外观望美债情形再做决定 😆 美债顺利拍卖并不意外,毕竟目前的美国经济状况虽然挑战重重,但是整体上还算颇具韧性。然而好景可以持续多久却是一个大大的问号,因为美国政府的各种骚操作看起来都像是在把局势引向更糟糕的局面。 另外两个亮点就是穆迪继续公布更多被下调评级的美国银行,以及纽约联储公布美国信用卡债务总额首次超过1万亿美元。这两个新闻都显示出了美国经济的严重隐患,都是多米诺骨牌最后倒下的个别节点。 随着美债的热销,预计今天的美国和欧洲股市或许都会回升。但是,千万别以为股市就此转向利好发展。美国还会在今天和明天继续拍卖10年和30年债卷,而这两种美债的受欢迎程度可比不上昨天的三年期美债。 还有更重要的一点,就是明天(美国时间8月10日早上8.30am)将迎来7月的美国CPI报告,这也是影响下一周美国欧洲股市行情走势的重要因素。 无论今天的美股和欧股是否回升,易道财经依旧维持保守态度,耐心观望今周的行情 😎 . . . 不愁卖!投资者狂买美国国债 对三年期美债需求强劲 https://www.zhitongcaijing.com/content/detail/972519.html 美国消费者支出全靠借贷?信用卡债务总额首次超万亿美元 https://www.zhitongcaijing.com/content/detail/972522.html 穆迪下调10家美国银行评级,更多知名银行列入降级观察名单 https://wallstreetcn.com/articles/3695096 市场担忧美国银行和经济健康状况 三大指数下跌 https://www.zhitongcaijing.com/content/detail/972523.html 美股回落,欧洲银行股大跌,离岸人民币一度跌近500点,长债收益率跳水 https://wallstreetcn.com/articles/3695088